Original Prints

The artworks for sale on this site are digital prints, but they originate as handmade prints called linocuts.

The linocut process involves drawing, carving and printing by hand. For each design, I create a signed and numbered limited edition of around 50 prints.

I use these handmade prints to derive the digitally printed posters by photographing them and experimenting with color and compositional variations.

What is a linocut?

Linocut is a type of relief printing similar, in principle, to a rubber stamp. Ink is applied to a carved surface and transferred, through pressure, to a sheet of paper. As a visual arts medium, woodcut or block printing is the original form of relief printing, and many artists still prefer to work with that material, but the linoleum used for linocuts carves easily and is ideal for large-scale prints.

Oystercatcher Linocut

Here’s a step-by-step video of my process…